Paper Submission
Abstract submission for IWSHM 2023 is now closed. The full paper submission link is provided below. Please follow this link to submit your full-length paper.
The full paper submission guidelines for IWSHM 2023 can be found by downloading the following file:
The MS word file template for writing the full paper for IWSHM 2023 can be found by downloading the following file. Please submit your paper in pdf format.
The Latex template for writing the full paper for IWSHM 2023 can be downloaded here. Note that this is a .zip file and you can directly upload this .zip file into "Overleaf (" to view the .tex file and compile from there.
Copyright Release Form
The copyright release form can be downloaded by clicking on the following link. Please note that only the corresponding author is needed to sign. Signatures of all authors are not necessary.